7AM at Griffin Aviator, Hyannis

Ready for Fun

Checking the plane


Early morning light of a very sunny saturday

Here we go!

Flying south

Cotuit Bay

Popponesset Bay

Buoy in da Bleu

Nantucket East of Us

Tuckernut and Muskeget Islands

Smith's Point

Eel Point, Madaket, and Smith's Point

SE tip of Tuckernuck

Madaket Beach

Cisco Beach

Before landing

Nobadeer Beach next to the airport

Private jets, that's the life!

I want one of these, it will take me anywhere.

First stop after landing, in Nantucket Town, breakfast at the Fog Island Cafe!

Farmers Market in Nantucket Town

Bartlett Farm, beautiful people

Fresh Coffeee

Cobblestone street in Nantucket Town, then off to rent bikes ...

Headed East on the Polpis Path all the way to Pocomo, then unpaved road onto this paradise.

Sand bars!


Headed NE to Wauwinet, then very sandy unpaved road through Squam, then ended at ...

... Quidnet.

Pond at Quidnet


Walk to paradise

Quidnet beach. Paradise found!

Paulina in true happyness.

From Quidnet, continued SE passing by the lighthouse at Sankaty Head and all the way to Siasconset, a very cute little town

Going West on the Milestone Path

Back into Nantucket Town then headed West through the Madaket Path, and returned through the Cliff Path

Cliff Beach, where the Boston Orchestra was playing at the beach with sunset, a gallery had an event, and catered dinner was being served afterwards. A good life, life as usual in Nantucket.

South Wharf

Back in the plane, before the long flight

Nantucket Harbor West of Us

Polpis Harbor


Great Point Beach

Nantucket Town Harbor

Martha's Vineyard in the distance

Cape Cod up ahead

Waquoit Bay

Washburn Island, next destination

land use in Waquoit Bay

Martha's Vineyard

Buzzards bay

Bournes Pond, Green Pond, Great Pond, Woods Hole, Elizabeth Islands

Woods Hole and Elizabeth Islands

Oyster Pond (one of my study sites) and the Knob on the other side

Nonamesset and Uncatena Islands and Woods Hole

Nobska Lighthouse

Great Harbor in Woods Hole

Woods Hole Little Harbor and Eel Pond

Black Beach and WoodNeck Beach

Toby's Island and Pocassett

Scraggy Neck

Cape Cod Canal and Mashnee Island

Bourne Bridge


P-Town and Herring Cove

Race Point perfeito!

I love those dunes, amazing bike trails.

Acrobacies in the air ... dunes down there!

Sunset and P-Town

Herring River watershed in Wellfleet (another study site, alewives spawn in those ponds)

Aquaculture in Wellfleet

Wellfleet Harbor and Mayo Beach

Loagy Bay in Wellfleet

Herring River, where the alewives enter the watershed!

Ecstasy ...

Rita will have the controls now! Yupeeee


Pure Happyness

Parking the plane in the Hangar. Perfect day.

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Que lindeza! Que maravilha!
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