Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fernando Pessoa

Today FERNANDO PESSOA (1888-1935) would be celebrating his 119th anniversary. He was one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century, unique in the diversity of personalities and perceptions of the world he was able to attribute to his several heteronyms. Depending on my own moods my Pessoa’s heteronym of choice truly changes.
There was Alberto Caeiro, his first heteronym, who took things for what they were, without dwelling into metaphysics. For Caeiro things were what they seemed, without hidden means. This enabled him to be free of anxiety, to be happy by limiting his horizons o avoid doubts and uncertainties. He was Pessoa’s primal vision of reality. He wrote spontaneously with great cheerfulness.
Then there was Ricardo Reis, who also avoided questioning life, his message was the type of “seize the day and accept fate with serenity”. He would say that the seeker will find the abyss in everything and doubt in himself. In this sense there are similarities with Caeiro, though Reis believed that true happiness could never be attained. He believed in Fate and could never have freedom, only self-control in seeking tranquility by avoiding emotional extremes. He wrote in a very austere, structured way, in constant rationalization.
Álvaro Campos was very intense and varied, he believed that one should “feel everything in every way”. He always balanced between two impulses: strong desire to be and feel everything and everyone, and a wish to be isolated and feel nothingness. As a result his mood and principles swung between violent exultation of meaning of life and nostalgic melancholy of an empty life. Since he was this very dichotomous character, he failed to achieve an ideal identity, he did not know who he was, and despaired about it. While Caeiro asked nothing of life, Campos asked too much.
Then there is Fernando Pessoa himself, who does not really translate Fernando Pessoa the poet, but only aspects of the poet. He was the most intellectual and analytic poetic persona, distressed by acutute identity crises, indecisive and doubt plagued, melancholic, weary and resigned, always with a great sense of loss. Fernando Pessoa his best portrayed by the sum of his heteronyms. Someone said that Reis believed in Form, Campos in Sensation, Pessoa in Symbols, and Caeiro believed in Nothing, he simply existed.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Thinking of Fernando Pessoa

From "Tobacco Shop"

I have made of myself what I did not know,
And what I could make of myself I did not make.
The disguise I put on was wrong.
They called my bluff straight away and I could not come clean, and lost myself.

When I wanted to take of the mask
It was stuck to my face.
When I took it off and looked in the mirror
I had aged.

This is from one of Pessoa's heteronyms, Álvaro de Campos.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Saturday In 'Cuse

Mais um dia em Syracuse NY e continuo a preparar-me para os Candidacy Exams em Setembro, a organizar leituras, a avançar com a recolha de dados para a investigação e a tentar viver um pouco o verão. Cada dia penso quando irei a Portugal, estar com família e amigos, olhar o oceano na perspectiva do Meco, ganhar uns anos de vida a ver o por do sol no mar, jogar frisbee, curtir as ondas do mar.
Porém agora o que se impõe é ordem, muita organização para que tudo se mantenha (ou conquiste) a crista da onda neste doutoramento. Viver no momento presente, sim, mas sem esquecer que tudo isto é tão tão efémero.
Beijinhos e beijocas e abraços de saudades!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wine Tour to Cayuga Lake 2007

Pela terceira vez os coleguinhas de 'Cuse juntaram-se para um domingo bem passado nos FingerLakes, conduzidos por uma empresa, de modo a termos como único objectivo a prova de vinhos da região. Quem organizou tudo foi como sempre a Molly do cabelo ruivo (nas fotos abaixo de tranças). As fotos que incluo são as minhas, e uma selecção das fotos da Melissa e da Amy. À medida que as fotos vão avançando na tour, percebe-se bem que as provas de vinhos têm o seu efeito. Para mim foi a primeira tour, mas adorei porque aprendi imenso sobre vinhos e sobre os tipos de vinho que mais têm a ver comigo.
Depois de mais de 5h a andar pelas wineries, voltámos para a casa na 1032 Lancaster Ave, para um excelente BBQ em que o Erik preparou os seus fantásticos grilled asparagus, a Molly partilhou o seu pão de +24h com azeitonas e uns magníficos homemade burgers ... foi um domingo bem passado, com cheiro a despedida já que a maioria destas pessoas acabam agora os seus mestrados.